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    [房产投资] 大环境这么差,还买房吗?

    红酒出口 发表于 29-11-2011 21:16:45
    elizabeth 的房子能卖到 18-20万的, 不需要 25-30万。  提供信息而已。 我认为楼上说的有道理。
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    Cafelatte 发表于 30-11-2011 09:16:18
    本帖最后由 Cafelatte 于 2011-11-30 10:19 编辑
    innkou 发表于 2011-9-30 12:20
    有没有听说过"最佳投资时间永远是今天"这句话? 有没有听说巴非特的秘诀是"当别人害怕的时候你要贪婪, 而当别 ...

    We, ordinary people, are not 李嘉诚 or 巴非特. We are not as greedy at they are. This is part of the reason that they became multi miliionaire but we have to work our ass off to pay the mortgate.
    李嘉诚 and 巴非特 have the money to gamble in the market, even munipulate the market, but we cannot. We are the ones being munipulated by 李嘉诚 and 巴非特.
    Never buy anything that you cannot afford to lose.
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    老A 发表于 30-11-2011 21:26:49
    Cafelatte 发表于 2011-11-30 10:16
    We, ordinary people, are not 李嘉诚 or 巴非特. We are not as greedy at they are. This is part of ...

    说李嘉诚 or 巴非特greedy不妥 greedy在英文里是有贬义的“贪恋” 在商言商 人家又不是贪官污吏搜刮别人钱财 动脑子按照游戏规则牟取利益天经地义 况且这两位搞慈善都是狂捐的 ~
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    Cafelatte 发表于 1-12-2011 05:59:03
    本帖最后由 Cafelatte 于 2011-12-1 07:00 编辑

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    nuk 发表于 1-12-2011 07:28:29
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    看过李嘉诚传没有,没有看过就别 什么 “李嘉诚  have the money to gamble in the market”,那叫人家的智慧,照你这的说,每一个有钱人都是GAMBLE来的?

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    Cafelatte 发表于 1-12-2011 07:45:42
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    李嘉诚传? What a nonsense! I can pay for a wonderful biogrophy.
    What I said was agaist Real Estate Agent? I only said 'Do not buy anything beyond your affordability'.Please educate me if there is anything wrong with this statement.
    This is a open forum, everyone has right to express their own ideas. So, please respect others, instead of posing like a poser.

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    nuk 发表于 1-12-2011 12:55:07
    本帖最后由 nuk 于 2011-12-1 13:55 编辑

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    nuk 发表于 1-12-2011 12:59:00
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    不是我打击你,你还 “ What a nonsense! I can pay for a wonderful biogrophy” 你出的了那个钱,也得有那个吹的东西。

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    老A 发表于 1-12-2011 20:29:29
    Cafelatte 发表于 2011-12-1 06:59
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    无奸不商这话应该不错吧?没有慈悲的商人。贪婪才是他们的动力。说他们greedy都是给面子 ...

    关于动力来自贪婪也许是 又或者那只是工作 他给自己在社会的定位or兴趣所在罢了, 贪婪是每个人的本性 程度不同 贪婪的事物不同而已 或名或利或趣或清高就是了 都不贪婪就回到森林里去 不用买房子 一辈子不吃肉吃素也罢.  
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    Cafelatte 发表于 2-12-2011 08:25:07
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    Ok, ok, I am sorry, I shall never say anything against you.
    Please accept my sincere appology. I am so deeply sorry. I am such a idiot. {:4_167:}
    I shut my mouth up and never say anything in this place.
    Happy now? It is all yours now. {:4_171:}
    Everybody, please listen to the master.

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