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      楼主: microbamoeba
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      [心情随笔] 上天是公平的

      jamena.chen 发表于 12-11-2013 18:04:14
      microbamoeba 发表于 2013-11-12 17:26
      呵呵,都说了,一种写法,各人有各人的interpretation... 那你期待些什么图片啊?蛋糕的图片?

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       楼主| microbamoeba 发表于 12-11-2013 18:17:33
      jamena.chen 发表于 2013-11-12 17:34

      我还没有到达那个境界... 如果不是的话,我也不会混进工程了吧... 工程都是有reference,有判断,有推理,有理性的~ 哈哈哈
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      a284254 发表于 13-11-2013 01:20:32 来自手机
      microbamoeba 发表于 2013-11-8 04:17

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       楼主| microbamoeba 发表于 13-11-2013 09:11:05
      a284254 发表于 2013-11-13 00:50

      心酸的只有自己知道。也因为心酸,所以才让我们变得更坚强... 要从中领悟别人领悟不到的东西...
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      阿蒙霍特普 发表于 17-11-2013 12:32:32

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      angelwing2011 发表于 17-11-2013 18:18:00
      本帖最后由 angelwing2011 于 2013-11-17 18:26 编辑

      People said I am lucky because I look very young and have good looking. And many guys including Chinese and Caucasians wanted to date me. My study is usaually good as well. But I always chose a bad guy as my lover and missed the good guy. The best man in my life has left me forever. In my career, I also met a number of bad peple and they treated me very bad. I think this is because I am not good at communicating with the others and too easy to believe bad or unknown people. I may have said too much because I was just crying for my exboyfriend...
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       楼主| microbamoeba 发表于 17-11-2013 18:21:31
      angelwing2011 发表于 2013-11-17 17:48
      People said I am lucky because I look very young and have good looking. And many guys including Chin ...

      well i hope you will learn something and don't let the good guy slipped away again. yea some girls chose bad guys, and turn out saying all guys are bad one. there are a lot good guys out there, just that you miss it, so you can't complain all good guys are extincted or being taken.

      well all the best to you.
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      fan2706 发表于 17-11-2013 18:26:17

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      angelwing2011 发表于 17-11-2013 18:50:24
      Thank you. I know there are a lot of good guys. Actually a number of guys are still waiting for me and some of them are nice. But they are too young or not suitable for me. I know my problems and have learned something now but I can not find the good guys any more. I am not a lucky person in this aspect.
      If the right man appears someday, I will try my best to communicate with him. Just don't know when he will come to my life...
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